Logistics Quotes
Everybody loves a good quote. This is especially true if the quote succinctly encapsulates a truth. I’ve compiled a list of the best quotes on logistics that I’ve found. Unfortunately, none of these great logistics quotes was uttered about or by people in the logistics industry that we all know and love but regard the logistics of war. Regardless, the following quotes are still relevant to logistics, in general.
To make this a bit more fun for me, I’ve arranged the quotes from my least to most favourite.
#7 – Lt. Gen. Fredrick Franks
“Clearly, logistics is the hard part of fighting a war.”
– Lt. Gen. Fredrick Franks, USA, 7th Corps Commander, Desert Storm
Substitute ‘fighting a war’ with ‘running a business’ and, now, you’ve got a quote that is both relevant to our industry and completely true! Well said, Fred!
#6 – James M. Cox
“Behind every great leader there was an even greater logistician.”
– James M. Cox
A self-explanatory quote with a self-evident truth. Fine job, Jimmy.
#5 – Gen. Robert H. Barrow
“Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.”
– Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps), 1980
And smart businesses get 3PL companies to manage their logistics needs for them!
#4 – Dwight D. Eisenhower
“You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
Former President Eisenhower was an intelligent man who held the incredible power of making people’s ears perk when he spoke. That’s because Eisenhower knew what he was talking about.
#3 – Sun Tzu
“The line between disorder and order lies in logistics…”
– Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, might be one of the most quoted writers ever, and you can add one more to that completely unscientific and unsubstantiated claim! Sun Tzu couldn’t be more right with this quote, and I am sure you know exactly what he’s talking about – especially if you’ve had poor experiences with supply chain logistics
#2 – Alexander the Great
“My logisticians are a humorless lot… they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay.”
– Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great is one of the most well-known figures in history. This quote highlights the sheer importance of logistics, since Alexander the Great implies that his logisticians are the most responsible for any loss and win that his army sustains. ADLI Logistics understands that. We here at ADLI Logistics are not a ‘humorless lot,’ unless it’s regarding getting your goods where you need them to be, when you need them to be there.
Honourable mention
“Real artists ship.”
– Steve Jobs
Just like number 7 in this list: if you substitute ‘real artists’ with ‘great companies,’ you get a quote relevant to logistics while preserving the original meaning of the quote that Steve Jobs intended – that is, you have to get your product out into the hands of the people or else all your work is all for naught. And how do you do that? By collaborating with an experienced 3PL company, such as ADLI Logistics, to manage your supply chain.
#1 – General Antoine Henri Jomini
“Logistics comprises the means and arrangements which work out the plans of strategy and tactics. Strategy decides where to act, logistics brings the troops to this point.”
– General Antoine Henri Jomini, Precis de l’Art de la Guerre (The Art of War) 1838
Hands down, this quote is my favourite. When I first compiled these quotes, this one was number 4, but then I searched for an image of General Antoine Henri Jomini and his smile won me over. Sorry, Alex, but renown and ruthlessness can only carry you so far.
There you have it: the best quotes, in my opinion, on logistics that I could find — albeit the logistics of war rather than the logistics ADLI Logistics deals with. If you find or know of any better quotes on logistics, please comment below. Everyone at ADLI Logistics would love to read them!
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