Improving the Supply Chain with Technology

With the introduction of technology in the supply chain, this has changed operations in order to streamline operations and become more efficient. Also, the use of technology in the supply chain can simplify processes and meet demands and changing needs. Below are three ways that technology has allowed more accessibility to supply chain professionals and consumers:

1) Cloud-based software

Working from the cloud has become a common way within companies to store files and information. This kind of technology can be available for management systems, such as warehouse and transportation. Information is easily accessible on the cloud which can improve communicating and sharing data with anyone in the supply chain. Cloud-based software allows information to be easily accessible and provides transparency with your supply chain management team.

2) Mobile accessibility

The use of apps provides online accessibility and information to be viewed when it is needed. Also, tracking trends and viewing any changes that occur in the supply in real time with any mobile device. This provides visibility of the supply chain any time that it is needed. Providing access to supply chain software with any mobile device allows anyone involved in the supply to view any information anytime they require. A user can monitor any aspect of the supply chain, such as ensuring warehouse efficiency and productivity.

3) E-commerce

Consumers’ changing needs are changing the supply chain and increasing consumers’ convenience is a large part of these needs. Increasing customers’ convenience by providing more accessibility using technology can include online shipping, ordering online and picking up in-store. Also, just recently Amazon introduced same day delivery service for Prime customers in Toronto and Vancouver. delivery service for Prime customers. Providing this service to customers can provide a competitive advantage as retailers are investing more in their e-commerce services. More consumers are turning to online shopping for the convenience of ordering online and having products shipped to their doorstep.

ADLI Logistics is adaptable to any changes that may occur in the supply chain. We are a flexible third party logistics company and will arrange your logistics. Our services include freight shipping, warehousing, and distribution. For more information about our logistics, fill out our contact form or call us at 1-877-363-7281!